Restoring our marine environments after the storm
Tons of debris and plastic are blown or washed into mangroves, canals and waterways every year all over the world. SEABLU's goal is to develop real solutions to remove this debris before it makes it's way into our Oceans.
Through the use of proprietary technologies and custom-built boats, SEABLU can locate and remove this trash before it has a chance to significantly impact marine ecosystems. Our innovative platform's initial focus is on the largest canal system in the world located in SW FL, USA which recently experienced a devastating Category 4 hurricane named Ian. Through this local effort, we will evaluate and evolve our capabilities which can serve as a model for all coastal communities around the world.


What is "BLUing"
Utilizing SEABLU's custom built mission specific boats and barges along with drone/sonar data w/ AI analysis to aid in efficiently and effectively targeting and removing debris from our coastal waterways and canal ecosystems.

Raising Awareness
Sharing research and analysis data with communities, helping them make decisions on how best to utilize local budgets to keep their waterways clean, especially after natural disasters (see disaster debris).

Building A Community
Establishing SEABLU operations "BLUprints" in coastal communities around the USA and beyond. BLUprints make it easy to get up and operational with the right gear and the right processes in no time.